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Nice job...downtown LA is looking good. Thanks for showing the progress and the NEW living opportunities for the NEW DOWNTOWN LA. Mike


The new site looks fab. I was going to say that I remembered the
Pacific Electric bldg from my childhood in LA. So much great old and
new architecture there, from art nouveau to Gehry. Rod


i am one of the first to rent a loft in this building...the move-in takes place sometime in june. very cool to find out i'm moving to a hot spot!


I too will be moving into the building as soon construction is done, sometime in June. It's been a long wait, but I am sure it will be worth it. As a (amateur) historian of the Pacific Electric, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to actually live in the storied building. They are spending a lot of money on amenities and security. Downtown's resurgence seems to continue, but some people aren't convinced. I believe that due to a continued shortage of housing stock in Los Angeles, the rehabilitation of downtown should continue over the next decade and beyond. Further cultural amenities are being added all the time. Rehabilitation of the historic theatre district on Broadway should be attempted. The new Ralph's supermarket is coming and should be open next year. Once that happens, I believe a lot of the naysayers and skeptics will be silenced.

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